Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Stuck In a Confused World

Some say life is easy, yet people hate it so much. They say live spelled backwards is evil so why evenwonder why you hate it so much. It shouln't be a suprise. Honestly it was a HUGE surprise... when we were younger we never thought as children we would have the problems that we have now. NO kid ever should. Someties I wish I could just go back, to my childhood that is. But if I could, would it be the right choice? So many unanswered questions.. but the main question is WHY? Hasn't anyone ever told you that "Life isn't fair" I am in disbelief to explain my dreary life. I also believe that it could be the best way because getting the answers is something that everyone wants, right? No one wants to be left alone with no answer. It can get very fustrating. I am doing this may help me in some ways, actually writing down what has been stuck on my mind. Opening my mind to new possibilities and figuring out ways to deal with certain situations. Maybe one day I will find my answer...

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