Monday, June 30, 2014

Monday Zzzz...

Monday... when it's the weekend and you hear someone mention Monday. You get a sinking feeling at the pit of your stomach. Monday is that day of the week where everyong gets up super early to go to work and get things finished. It is the sign that the week is begining all over again. Everyone has to wake up at the crack of dawn for at least the next 5 days and bury themselves in responsibilties. Some people have it easy and some people dont, but the point is that the majority of the people DREAD Mondays. There are mutiple ways of getting over that and looking at the more positive side. Today I didn't feel like doing anything at all, but just like all of you I have responsibilties to take care of throughout the week. Here are 7 tips on helping get over the Monday Blues that I've learned or read is
1.) Try to avoid work on the weekends. The weekend is a time to relax and enjoy yourself. Finish everything you're supposed to do before the weekend so you don't have to stress during the weekend about getting things done before Monday.
2.) Accept the Monday blues because if you don't it ony make the situation worse. It will only exhaust you further and we don't need that.
3.) Start your Monday on the right side! Wake up ealier than usual so you don't have to be in a hurry, take a nice cold shower to help wake you up, have a cup of your choise of beverage (tea, coffee, milk, juice, or lemon in water).
4.)  Dress up! Baggy clothes like sweats and hoodies does not with your confidence to get through the day. Instead dress light and energetic so you can give  a better vibe from yourself
5.) Be social! Engaging into a conversation in the morning helps the brain into waking up for the day. It needs a warm-up before it starts wokring.
6.) Be Positive! Get in the mode! Pump yourself up like listening to your favorite song or working out before work.
7.) Make someone's day. Doing something nice for someone can definitely lift up not only the person your helping spirits, but yours as well!

I hope that these tips and advice will help cure those with the Monday Blues and give them something to look foward to instead of wanting to avoid. :)

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